Friday, July 31, 2009

August Personal Life Goals

It has been way too long since i've done these but I was reminded today by a post on MHH. These are nifty things to do in order to keep your personal goals at the forefront. I had alot of changes I wanted to make this year and I think some of them are slowly but surely happening, but others aren't. I'm hoping doing the monthly goals will help in reaching my year goals.

Marriage- We attended a marriage retreat in July put on by the chaplain's office. My dad and stepmom came to our house to babysit the kids and we went away for a whole weekend alone to the retreat. It was actually pretty good and not too religious. The curriculum was Mark Gungor Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage. You can Google it and several clips will come up on YouTube.

So my goal for August will be to remember some of the things we learned at the retreat and implement them in our marriage.

Family- With school not yet having started I have 3 kids at home which can make it a stressful day sometimes. I think I really need to work on having more patience all around and checking my tone of voice even if i'm irritated. I have a tendency to yell frequently and I really want to break myself of that habit and learn to communicate more effectively and quietly. hehe

Friends- I have really been working on this front but as of yet it hasn't really produced much. I went out on a limb once or twice and reaped the rewards for a bit but then nothing. So, still working on making friends. Goal this month is to get started in a knit/crochet class on base.

Self- I definitely need to revisit my goals for the year. I need to examine myself spiritually, emotionally, and physically and take stock. I have alot I would like to change on all accounts but there's much work to be done. I need to realize that change doesn't happen over night but by doing small things each day or week they will add up and eventually I will be who and what I want to be. So this month will be focused on acceptance and evaluation of self.

Home- Our home is pretty cozy right now. There isn't clutter everywhere (except in the storage closet and garage) and everything is pretty neat. The stressful areas, i.e. garage and closet, will get dealt with eventually but we have to find time to do it. My goal this month is to relax in the peacefulness that is our home and keep things neat and tidy to avoid major clean up later.

Volunteer- This category can be Work or School also. Many use it as work but since I don't work it wouldn't make sense for me. Also i'm not in school anymore as I graduated last December so I decided to make it Volunteer. I'm currently TRYING to become a board member or advocate for abused and neglected children. The woman in charge isn't very organized and is very hard to get ahold of. I know when the training is but will miss one class in August so I need to make sure this is okay before I get the go ahead to attend the training. Once trained I will hopefully be a volunteer and start doing the time. Goal this month is to make contact with the organizer and attend the trainings i'll be in town for.

Hobbies- My main hobbies are reading and blogging these days. I do most of my reading while feeding my almost 4 month old his bottles and that works pretty well. Blogging i'm working on. I had a post everyday on my Christmas blog for Christmas in July and i'm hoping to keep up the pace with my Halloween blog and this one as well.

I really want to attend a knit/crochet class offered on base. My goal this month is to call and sign up for a class when we come home from vacation. I want to learn how to do all the stitches so I can actually make things. I would like to make Christmas gifts this year.

Spiritual- This one is becoming more important in my life as of late. I'm not sure really what I believe and I would like to figure that out. I feel so many conflicting things that it's hard to pinpoint just where I stand. My son asks about church every now and then, but I have to admit that it's just not my thing. I think it would be great socially but I don't believe alot of what is taught and it would be hard for me to look past that. My goal this month is to look deep inside myself and write down what I believe and how I feel about spirituality and go from there.

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