So yesterday didn’t work out quite the way I had hoped. I was supposed to meet up with a Moms Club at the YMCA, however there were a lot of people there and I don’t know what anyone looks like so I ended up missing them if they were there. So my daring myself to make new friends didn’t really happen. Although, I did get to know Addison’s Girl Scout Leader better since I spent the morning at her house helping to make decorations for our cookie booth. So all was not lost.
After school we delivered cookies on our street and a neighboring street. There were only 3 that weren’t home so we’ll try those again today after school if we have time.
The kids were excited about their V-Day gifts today. They didn’t get much because I figured they would get enough candy at school. Chad got me a dozen roses, a box of Reese’s PB cup chocolates and a bag of Lindor truffles. He picked Addison up a tulip plant that I’m going to make her leave on the table because tulips are one of my favorites! The boys got a round metal tin (Addison too) with a few things in it. I made chocolate chip muffins and blueberry muffins for breakfast. Tonight we’ll go to Red Lobster for dinner. We’ll go early and try to beat the crowd.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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