Sunday, December 28, 2008

2009 "Phrase"

On MHH last year (2008) someone started a thread for us to choose a "word" for the entire year of 2008. This "word" would be something that we wanted to strive towards and use to focus on when we needed to. My "word" for 2008 was "relax", however, I didn't implement that very well. So, for 2009 I have chosen a "phrase" rather than a "word". There was so much I wanted my word to encompass that I couldn't pick just one, so I went with a phrase that I made up.

My "phrase" for 2009 is 'THROUGH SELF-DISCOVERY COMES INNER PEACE AND WELL-BEING'. By really discovering who I am and who I want to be and taking the necessary steps to get to that place, my life will be filled with more peace and emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. This is my ultimate goal for 2009. Later I will post my goals, instead of resolutions, to help me attain this.

What is your "word" or "phrase" for 2009?

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